An Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) is a private evaluation conducted by an Educational Psychologist to assess for learning differences or disabilities that impact a student's academic success. Based on the findings, the Psychologist offers recommendations for school accommodations, services, and provides an opinion on an appropriate educational placement. Findings can also be presented at IEP/504 meetings to provide support and educational counseling.

An Educational Placement Assessment is a special type of IEE designed to identify an appropriate placement for the student. The assessment consists of the following: 

  1. Analysis of educational (e.g., CST/SST, 504, IEP, report cards) and medical records. (first installment due)

  2. Analysis of prior evaluations (e.g., psychological, educational, speech/language, occupational therapy, etc.).

  3. Student, parent, and teacher interviews by phone or video conference.

  4. Remote administration of rating scales and questionnaires to parents, educators, and students.

  5. Assessment of the district/charter recommended educational program via direct student observation or program tour.

  6. Assessment of one alternative placement through direct program tour or student observation.

  7. Report preparation synthesizing data, indicating diagnostic impressions, and stating opinion on appropriateness of educational placements (second installment due).

  8. Presentation of findings at the student’s IEP meeting (1 hour meeting).


Educational Placement Assessment IEE: $4,400 for 16 hours ($275 an hr) of assessment and payable in two $2,200 installments. Additional testing or attendance to subsequent IEP meetings is not covered by the above amount. The above rate only applies to assessments in Orange County. We will prepare an individualized assessment plan for out of county or out of state placements. All other services including additional testing will be billed at standard rates as published on our website. Variations accepts private pay IEEs and also directly contracts with districts/charters for school-funded IEEs.

Other Types of IEEs :
In addition to placement-related IEEs for K-12 students, Variations offers psycho-educational IEEs and Educationally-Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) assessment IEEs. The cost of the assessment is hourly and varies based on the breadth of records, testing, travel, and reporting time required to meet each individual's needs.
For a complimentary consultation and customized assessment plan, call/text us at 949-873-4617 or submit your request below.