Does My Child Have Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder? 7 Ways to Identify DMDD

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) inhibits a child’s ability to control their emotions, resulting in various challenges in their social and academic lives. Read this month’s blog to learn how a parent can identify DMDD in their kid, and how our diagnosticians can help.

Does My Kid Qualify for an IEP Under “Other Health Impairment (OHI)”?

Unlike most of IDEA’s 13 categories, the “Other Health Impairment” category covers a broad range of conditions, from ADHD to depression. Check out this month’s blog to learn more about this important category and whether your child might qualify for an IEP under its umbrella. 

Specific Learning Disabilities & Special Education: 6 Facts for Parents

The Specific Learning Disability category is one of 13 categories under IDEA that can qualify a student for an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Read this month’s blog to learn about the impact of SLDs, how students can qualify for an IEP under this category, and how our diagnosticians can help.

7 Ways Schizophrenia Impacts Education

Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that presents a variety of obstacles to learning. Read this month’s blog to learn about the symptoms of schizophrenia, how it can affect a student’s education, and how our diagnosticians can help.

The 13 Categories of IDEA: What Conditions Can Qualify My Student for Special Education?


The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) defines 13 categories of conditions that can quality students for special education. Check out this month’s blog to learn what these categories are, and how our team can help your student receive appropriate support.

Understanding Supports, Services, Accommodations, Modifications & Placements

Academic accommodations, services, modifications, and placements: do you know the differences?

Check out this week’s blog to brush up on your education program lingo and discover how each type of intervention can help your child reach their academic potential.

“Could I Have ADHD?”: 7 Tips to Identify & Manage Executive Functioning Challenges

Ever wondered why you have issues with planning, memory, time management, or attention? If so, check out this week’s blog!

Dealing with Dysgraphia: 7 Steps to Help Your Child Overcome Writing Challenges

Does writing or typing seem way harder than it should be for your child or teen? Do they have trouble gripping a pencil, organizing sentences, or using proper grammar?

If writing challenges are holding your child back in school, they may have a learning disability known as dysgraphia. Check out this week’s blog to learn the signs and how you can help.