Emotional Support

“Is My Baby’s Emotional Intelligence On Track?”

It’s tough to know how to support your baby’s emotions when they can’t explain them to you. The good news is, there are ways to teach your baby healthy emotional management well before they’re walking or talking.

Check out this week’s blog to learn how!

Should My Child Have an Emotional Support Animal? 10 Things You Should Know

Throughout history, animals have been documented as companions, messengers, and heroes of mankind. Animals have an intangible quality that just makes people feel good and this special bond is especially strong in children. It’s commonly known that animals can support children with medical conditions such as blindness, epilepsy, or hearing impairment, but did you know many children qualify for a support animal to help them through emotional challenges?

If you think your child might benefit from the comfort of an emotional support animal, here are some things you should know: