
Self-Advocacy in the Workplace: 10 Tips for Talking to Your Employer about Accommodations

If you have a disability that affects your career, asking your employer for accommodations may seem stressful. Read this month’s blogs to learn helpful tips & talking points for successful accommodation requests in the workplace.

4 Steps to Securing Special Education

The requirements for receiving special education can get confusing and complex. Read this month’s blog to learn how a diagnosis differs from special education eligibility, and how our team can help your student secure the support they need.

What Parents Need to Know About Dysgraphia: The Learning Disability that Impairs Writing

Does writing or typing seem way harder than it should for your child or teen? Do they have trouble gripping a pencil, organizing sentences, or using proper grammar? 

If writing challenges are holding your child back in school, they may have a learning disability known as dysgraphia. Check out this week’s blog to learn the signs and how you can help. 

Deck the Halls with Solid Boundaries: Tips to Avoid People-Pleasing

Do the holidays bring out your inner people-pleaser? Many of us struggle to say “no” to family and friends around the holidays, even when it means compromising our own well-being. Check out our special edition blog for 7 tips to tame your inner people-pleaser this holiday season.

My Kid Can’t Understand Nonverbal Communication – What Could be the Cause?

“Why can’t my kid ‘Read the Room’?!”

Does your kid struggle to understand nonverbal cues such as tone, sarcasm, or body language? Do they tend to pay attention to unimportant details in school, but seem to miss “the big picture”? If so, they may have nonverbal learning deficits, which can impact their academic success. Check out this week’s blog to learn more.

10 Early Signs of Autism in Toddlers

Most kids with autism are diagnosed at age 4 or older, but there are several common clues that toddlers often show before age 2. Check out this week’s blog to learn what to look for, and how we can help.

Healing at Home: How Can I Help My Child Overcome Trauma?

Has your child been through a traumatic experience? 45% of American kids have survived at least 1 adverse childhood experience (ACE). No matter how severe the trauma, there are ways to help kids heal and feel safe again. Check out this week’s blog to learn 10 tips for building resiliency and recovering from childhood trauma.

Is your kid with ADHD prepared to manage college life?

While there are many supports in grades K-12 for kids with ADHD, the college “big leagues” can feel overwhelming to students who struggle with lack of structure, wonky schedules, and limitless distractions. Check out this week’s blog to learn how you can prepare your teen with ADHD for college success.

Why is Math So Hard for My Kid?

If your child is frequently frustrated with math, they may be showing signs of a learning disorder called dyscalculia. Check out this week’s blog to uncover dyscalculia’s symptoms and learn how we can help

10 Signs a Processing Disorder is Behind Your Career Struggles

Did you know that problems with time management, clumsiness, and organization can all be signs of processing disorders?

Being an adult is hard enough without a processing disorder to complicate things further. Check out this week’s blog to discover if you’ve been dealing with any PD symptoms, and learn how we can help.

Gifted Kids and Disabilities – What Parents Need to Know about 2e

Do you have a twice-exceptional kid? Many gifted students also have a disability that impacts their academic success. Check out our blog to learn more about twice-exceptional (2e) students and how to support them.

Detecting Dyslexia: Could My Kid Have It?

Did you know Albert Einstein, Keira Knightly, Steven Spielberg, John Lennon, Salma Hayek, Octavia Spencer, and Barbara Corcoran all achieved their success despite having dyslexia?

Dyslexia presents plenty of challenges, but it doesn’t have to define your kid’s potential. Check out this week’s blog to learn some of the tell-tale signs of dyslexia and how we can help.

BE DIRECT! 8 Teacher Tips for Getting Students to Listen

Calling all teachers! Do you struggle to get students to listen to instructions? Check out this week’s blog for our top tips on giving effective commands and building student compliance.

Could My Kid Have a Processing Disorder?

Processing Disorders impact a child’s ability to interpret info taken in by their senses. Check out this week’s blog to recognize signs of processing disorders and how they may be impacting your child’s learning.

Supporting Student Emotions: 9 Tips for a High EQ Classroom

How’s your classroom EQ?

Today’s educators are realizing the importance of emotional learning in addition to core academics. Check out this week’s blog to for tips to empower emotional health in your students.

Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs): What They Are & How They Can Help

Does your child have a learning disability or condition that impacts their learning? Do you disagree with their school’s evaluations or recommendations for support? If so, check out this week’s blog on how an Independent Educational Evaluation can help.