My Kid Has an Emotional Disability – Can They Qualify For an IEP?
The Emotional Disturbance category is one of the 13 categories under IDEA that can qualify a student for an Independent Education Program (IEP). Check out this month’s blog to learn how students can qualify for special education under this category, and how our team can help your child receive the necessary support.
The 13 Categories of IDEA: What Conditions Can Qualify My Student for Special Education?
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) defines 13 categories of conditions that can quality students for special education. Check out this month’s blog to learn what these categories are, and how our team can help your student receive appropriate support.
Understanding Supports, Services, Accommodations, Modifications & Placements
Academic accommodations, services, modifications, and placements: do you know the differences?
Check out this week’s blog to brush up on your education program lingo and discover how each type of intervention can help your child reach their academic potential.
Dealing with Dysgraphia: 7 Steps to Help Your Child Overcome Writing Challenges
Does writing or typing seem way harder than it should be for your child or teen? Do they have trouble gripping a pencil, organizing sentences, or using proper grammar?
If writing challenges are holding your child back in school, they may have a learning disability known as dysgraphia. Check out this week’s blog to learn the signs and how you can help.
9 Facts About Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs)
Did you know?...
When schools provide internal evaluations, they see results before the parents and those results are added to the student’s academic record. Since school evaluators are employed by the district, their results are at risk of being biased. An Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) can provide a more thorough, objective, and private testing experience. Check out this week’s blog on the benefits of IEEs and how Variations can help.
8 Reasons to Get Your Kid Tested by an Educational Psychologist
Could your child or teen benefit from Educational Testing?
Whether your student struggles or excels in school, testing may be the best next step in providing their optimal education. Check out this week’s blog to learn how educational testing can help your kid overcome barriers and achieve their potential.
Understanding Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): A Parent’s Guide to Educational Placements
Students are entitled by law to receive their education in “the Least Restrictive Environment,” but the LRE varies greatly from one kid to the next. Check out this week’s blog to get the lowdown on different placement options, and learn how you can determine the most appropriate LRE for your child or teen.
My Kid is a Perfectionist – Blessing or Curse?
“An A minus?! I’m a failure!” “My eyebrows are uneven – I can’t be seen at school like this!”
While striving for excellence can be a great driver for success, sometimes perfectionism can harm your child’s mental health and even hold them back from reaching their potential.
Are your child’s perfectionist habits a blessing or curse? Check out this week’s blog to find out.
My Relatives Don’t Think My Kid Has a Diagnosis – What Do I Do?
Do your family members roll their eyes and invalidate your child’s learning difference, emotional disorder, or other diagnosis? It can be painful when our loved ones’ views don’t align with today’s understanding of these conditions. If your child’s diagnosis or treatment has been a source of tension in your family, check out this week’s blog for 8 tips that can help.
The 1-2-3’s of FBAs & BIPs: A Parent’s Guide to Student Behavioral Plans
Does your kid have a behavioral problem that gets in the way of their education? If so, a Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan could provide them with the support they need to manage their behaviors and reach their potential. Check out this week’s blog to learn the scoop on FBAs and BIPs.
“My Kid Refuses to Go to School – What Could be the Cause?”
Does your kid beg to stay home from school? Are they a “regular” in the nurse’s office with excuses to leave class? If it feels like an act of congress to get your kid to tolerate a school day, this week’s blog is for you. Click to uncover 10 common causes behind school anxiety, and learn how we can help.
My Kid Can’t Understand Nonverbal Communication – What Could be the Cause?
“Why can’t my kid ‘Read the Room’?!”
Does your kid struggle to understand nonverbal cues such as tone, sarcasm, or body language? Do they tend to pay attention to unimportant details in school, but seem to miss “the big picture”? If so, they may have nonverbal learning deficits, which can impact their academic success. Check out this week’s blog to learn more.
Healing at Home: How Can I Help My Child Overcome Trauma?
Has your child been through a traumatic experience? 45% of American kids have survived at least 1 adverse childhood experience (ACE). No matter how severe the trauma, there are ways to help kids heal and feel safe again. Check out this week’s blog to learn 10 tips for building resiliency and recovering from childhood trauma.
Is your kid with ADHD prepared to manage college life?
While there are many supports in grades K-12 for kids with ADHD, the college “big leagues” can feel overwhelming to students who struggle with lack of structure, wonky schedules, and limitless distractions. Check out this week’s blog to learn how you can prepare your teen with ADHD for college success.